100% Not A Blog, I Swear!
I hate social media, I really fucking do. But I do lots of things that I want to share so I’ll just put the lions share of it here, my contact deets, archive.org page and my twitter are on the right hand side. Get in touch if you want owt.
I, (for the purpose of this project) am Mutt. I am a Barbadian mullato raised in babylon and I fucking hate it here. I use he and they pronouns, I write for Muntjac Magazine and Organise Magazine I make collage art and do research into the anarchisms of racialized people. I run the Ali Khalid Abdullah archive too, sometimes.
I suffer with Schizophrenia and as you can imagine this becomes self evident in my broader body of work appearing and dissapearing at random intervals.
Check the tabs on the right hand side of the screen for… everything.